Friday, March 21, 2008

Different but same same

Everyone that has ever walked across this earth is different. We all have different personalities, different flaws, different strengths, different character traits. Some of us may be selfish, others may have a low self esteem; some too easily trust, others not; some hold on, others let go. We all make different mistakes, experience different experiences and come from different perspectives. We all have different upbringings, different cultures. Yet the fact that we all have flaws and strengths and personalities and the fact that we all make mistakes and have experiences and perspectives and culture and upbringing makes us all the same. We are all human. So one may not understand what it's like to live another's life, may no understand their perspectives or culture, but our different paths and flaws and personalities and experiences and perspectives all teach us exactly the same thing - what it means to be human. It's just different ways of learning the same lessons. We all love and hate, and cry and laugh, and dance and mourn, so really beneath it all we are the same. Why won't humanity wake up and realise that?

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