Sunday, October 12, 2008

Alas (I sound like Dumbledore..) - Yr 12 Begins

So, once again, holidays have inevitably drawn to an end. But unlike most holidays, they didnt seem to go so fast.

Still, I must face the fact that I'm beginning my last year of school. It seems absurd, 'cause it feels like it was only yesterday when I was pitying/bagging out those entering year 12 this time last year.

Do I feel prepared? Not at all.
But what is there to prepare? I think I'll take things as they come; read half of each of my books before deciding they're nothing but boring crap; do assesments a couple of nights before (rather than the night before...or morning of); study last minute and in the car on the way to school; cringe at the lower-than-I-hoped-for marks that I receive (especially for english :S); see my careers adviser frequently, hoping she'll decide on my future for me (since I have no clue...); stress too much; study too little.

No, I don't want for yr 12 to pan out like this - I'd much prefer a cool, calm and collected approach to this year, in which I study hard and stress less. And, of course, manage my time. But, being the slight pessimist that I am, this is the way I see things panning out... At least for now - things might change after the massive lectures I will, no doubt, receive from my parents (in the car on the way to school, when I can't escape) and teachers.
Let's hope they do.

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