Friday, January 25, 2008

What else can I call this but 'Back-to-School'?

My holiday walking home and school walking home routes are different. My holiday walk home/to the bus stop route is quicker than my school one, just because I'm always waking up late and rushing to be some place in next to no time. My school route however is uually taken on the way home and therefore I am in no rush and prefer to take the route that my friends follow.

As of these holidays, I've kept these routes strictly seperate - just to ensure that when I'm walking home during the holidays, I'm not reminded of the toturous prison they call school. Today however, I broke my own law and took my school route. It wasn't too bad, however, this (combined with the further mentioned Office Works trip) has caused the dawning that school is in less than a week. In less than a week, I shall be wearing squeaky clean shoes (desperately wanting to un-squeaky clean them, and wear them in), that ugly tartan thing of a uniform (which lies dusting ever so gradually in the back of my closet) and 'blouse'. Add the green regulation school bag and knee-length green socks, and you've got an upright turtle.

Despite my great distaste of going back to school, I quite enjoyed my annual shopping trip at Office Works. I bought:

- 1 x 2 pack of papermate whiteout pens
- 1 x 5 pack of spirax 96 pg small notebooks
- 1 x spirax A5 2-pocket 200 pg notebook (ext. 1 maths thory book)
- 1 x spirax A5 2-pocket 300 pg notebook (2 unit maths theory book)
- 1 x spirax A6 100 pg notebook
- 1 x 10 pack of papermate ballpoint pens (3 black, 2 red, and 5 useless blues)
- 5 x 5 tab coloured carboard dividers
- 5 x 70 pg lecture pads
- 1 x 21 gram UHU 'school stic'

Apart from not having any shoes, nor textbooks (which take a while to get delivered if out of stock - which they always are - and I haven't even ordered mine yet), I'm feeling rather prepared for school. Call me a nerd, but a stationary spree before the beginning of school always makes me slightly anticpiate the first couple of days. When all my books will be neat - no, immaculate - and all my pens working without a glitch. When I'll find out and complain about all the crappy teachers I'm stuck with for the next two years, and happily discuss the good teachers (if any) that I get for the next two years (unless they decide to have friggen baby). When I find out the summer goss, and see people I haven't seen for 7 weeks (or less...).

However, during my Office works shopping, I discovered this - the world is in need of a good organisational system for study notes! Argh, it's rather frustrating. Do I go with loose-leaf and binder folders, or sleeve folders? And if the latter, which kind - the easy removal sleeve folder with dividers, or the normal sleeve folder? How much will a sleeve folder carry in terms of study note pages anyway? A subjects worth? A topics worth? Half a topic, perhaps? Who knows. All I know is, I definetely don't need years 11 and 12. I'm gonna be one hell of a billionaire once I invent my own range of extraordinary study folders! :) ... It wouldn't be pointless to design a study folder range (for senior studies, I suppose) and become rich, if I'm not even gonna need the study folders asuming I don't finish school, is it?

Anyway, do excuse my nerdiness. Talk to me in less than 2 weeks, and I will be completely back to normal, I promise. Messy books, homework/assignments (how early do you get them?) piling up to the very last minute (i.e. 5 am the morning due) and the usual hating-school-and-couldn't-care-less attitude :)

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