Life not death
Love not hate
Selflessness not selfishness
Smiles not frowns
Faith not indifference
Doubt not ignorance
D'n'M's not superficial chit-chat
Empathy not apathy
Laughter not tears
Hope not hopelessness
Generosity not greed
Spuring not stirring
Companionship not isolation
Joy not despair
Patience not impatience
Opinion not disregard
...Have we lost ourselves?
That's cool, Ange, I like it.
...and it is just extra cool because you used Meant to Live lyrics :P
No we have not lost ourselves, 'cause we're human and we suck.
We have lost (sight of) God though, because He is all that and more. It is only with God/through the Holy Spirit that we can strive to be...
But you know that already ;)
Sylv: lol, you realise it's just a song lyric yeah? I wasn't gonna modify it to make it more ethically correct, cause then it would no longer be a song lyric :)
besides the lyric can be taken the way u described the situation...
"we were meant to live for so much more, have we lost ourselves" >> we were meant to live for God >> we have lost sight of God.
:D there we are
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